Adorable moment faithful beagle plays dead to stop owners from leaving house

This adorable video captures the sweet moment a loyal beagle pretends to be dead in order to stop his owners from leaving the house. Flash, a six-year-old beagle, consistently performs this trick whenever his beloved family members attempt to leave their home in Aberdeenshire. Not only does he do it when they try to exit the house, but he also does it when someone goes upstairs to go to bed.
The performance is so realistic that when one of them tries to move him across the floor, Flash pretends to be dead much to the amusement of his family. Despite his loyal behavior, Flash’s owners have to find ways to prevent him from pulling off his tricks. They have resorted to putting him in the kitchen before they leave the house. According to Sarah Norris, Flash’s owner, while it may be inconvenient when they are in a hurry, it’s quite entertaining. A funny and heartwarming video shows the beagle lying on the floor, seemingly immobile. Despite his owner’s efforts to move him, he remains stubbornly still. Eventually, he is lifted up and told to “go,” and he happily scurries off.

Flash, a playful six-year-old beagle, always comes up with tricks when his adoring family in Aberdeenshire tries to head out of the house.

The performance was so believable that when one of them attempted to pull Flash across the floor, he remained motionless, causing his family to cheer with joy.

Sarah Norris, the owner of Flash, remarked that while it may be inconvenient when you’re in a rush, she finds it quite entertaining.

Flash’s antics have become a daily source of laughter in the Norris household. His unwavering dedication to keeping his family from leaving has turned into a ritual that everyone looks forward to. Each morning, as Sarah and her family prepare to head out, they know they will be greeted with Flash’s most dramatic performance yet. He eyes them closely, ears perked up, waiting for the moment they put on their shoes or grab their keys. The second he realizes they are serious about leaving, he springs into action—collapsing onto the floor as if struck by an invisible force.
No matter how much they try to coax him, he remains in character, completely still. His tail stops wagging, his legs stretch out, and he even closes his eyes, embodying the perfect image of a lifeless dog. His family has tried all sorts of tricks to get him to move—offering treats, calling his name in an excited tone, and even pretending to ignore him—but Flash is committed to his act. The only time he breaks character is when he hears the word “walk,” which instantly causes him to perk up and run toward the door with excitement.
One particular morning, Sarah had an important meeting to attend, and as she hurriedly put on her coat, Flash flopped down in front of the doorway. She sighed, knowing it would take some effort to get him moving. Her husband, Mark, attempted to slide Flash across the floor gently, but Flash remained as stiff as ever. Their children giggled as they watched their clever pup refuse to budge. Finally, Sarah resorted to picking him up, carrying him to the kitchen, and closing the door behind him. The moment the door shut, Flash let out a long, dramatic sigh before sitting up and wagging his tail, signaling his surrender—at least for that day.
Flash’s behavior isn’t limited to mornings. At bedtime, he uses the same trick to try to keep the family downstairs. If someone announces that they are heading up for the night, Flash takes his position at the bottom of the stairs and flops onto his side, blocking the way. His family has to either step over him or carry him upstairs, both of which only encourage his antics further. Sarah often jokes that Flash must have been a theater actor in his past life because his performances are always award-worthy.
His fame has even extended beyond the family. Friends and neighbors who come over are often treated to his dramatic display. One evening, Sarah’s friend, Emily, came by for a visit. As she prepared to leave, Flash threw himself onto the floor right in front of the door. Emily, taken aback, turned to Sarah with wide eyes. “Is he okay?” she asked in concern. Sarah laughed and reassured her, “Oh, he’s just trying to stop you from leaving. Give him a minute, and he’ll realize he’s lost the battle.”
Sure enough, after a few moments of being ignored, Flash cracked open one eye to see if his plan was working. When he realized no one was paying attention, he let out a dramatic huff and stood up, trotting away as if nothing had happened. Emily couldn’t stop laughing, pulling out her phone to capture the moment. “You have to post this online!” she said, convinced that Flash’s antics deserved a global audience.
Sarah finally took Emily’s advice and shared a compilation of Flash’s “dead dog” act on social media. Within hours, the video went viral, garnering thousands of views and comments from dog lovers worldwide. People were amazed by Flash’s dedication to his role, with many sharing similar stories of their own pets’ amusing behaviors. One commenter wrote, “This dog deserves an Oscar!” while another said, “I wish my dog was this creative when trying to keep me home!”
As the video continued to gain traction, news outlets reached out to Sarah, wanting to feature Flash in heartwarming pet stories. A local news station even visited their home to film a segment about the beagle with a flair for drama. Flash, of course, put on his best performance for the cameras, flopping over dramatically the moment the reporter reached for the door handle. The entire crew burst into laughter, and the anchor later called him “the most determined dog we’ve ever met.”
Despite all the attention, Flash remains the same lovable and mischievous pup he has always been. While his family sometimes finds his stubbornness frustrating—especially when they are running late—they wouldn’t trade his quirks for anything. His antics have become a cherished part of their daily routine, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone around him.
Even though they try to work around his tricks, Flash still manages to surprise them. One day, Sarah decided to test a new strategy. Instead of engaging with him when he played dead, she simply stepped over him and walked out the door without acknowledging his performance. For a moment, he remained still, unsure if he should commit to the act or get up and follow. Just as Sarah thought she had outsmarted him, Flash jumped up, ran to the window, and pressed his nose against the glass, watching her leave with a look of pure betrayal. When she returned home later, he greeted her with extra enthusiasm, as if to say, “You got me this time, but I’ll be ready for you tomorrow.”
Flash’s playful nature and determination make him an unforgettable part of the Norris family. His unique way of expressing love proves just how deeply he cares for his humans. Whether he’s blocking the door or lying across the stairs, one thing is certain—Flash’s devotion knows no bounds. And while his family might occasionally struggle to get out of the house on time, they wouldn’t have it any other way.