Canine Caught Red-Pawed in Bed, Mom’s Clever ‘Consequence’ Turns Heads

Canine Caught Red-Pawed in Bed, Mom’s Clever ‘Consequence’ Turns Heads

Meet Maymo and Penny, a dynamic duo of mischievous Beagles who just can’t resist a good time. These adorable pups couldn’t care less about following the rules; they prefer to spend their days causing chaos and mischief in the most entertaining ways possible. Their loving Mom captures their hilarious antics in a must-watch dog-shaming video that will have you in stitches!

In this hilarious video, the dogs are humorously called out for their mischievous behaviors in a sarcastic way. Their well-meaning mom makes them sit with big signs declaring them as “good dogs,” but the footage reveals the truth behind their antics. While the dogs claim to be helping with chores, being kind to kids, or keeping the laundry in check, they are actually running amok around the house like adorable, mischievous babies!

We can’t help but laugh when Mom playfully scolds them for “mangling the faces of stuffed animals meant for charity”. Mom’s retaliation involves dressing up her adorable pups in costumes made from those very same chewed toys! How precious!

Maymo and Penny seem a bit embarrassed in their costumes, but they hold their heads high as they endure Mom’s playful retribution. Despite their humiliation, these playful pups will likely continue their mischievous ways. Mom’s sense of humor definitely shines through in her creative punishments for the dogs. Watch the video below to see for yourself! Don’t forget to share this funny story with a friend or family member.

Even though Maymo and Penny momentarily look guilty, it’s clear that they have no intention of changing their ways. In fact, their mischief only escalates as the video continues! From knocking over trash cans to stealing socks right from the laundry basket, these two prove that their antics know no bounds.

One of the funniest moments in the video happens when Penny, the slightly more cunning of the two, sneaks into the kitchen while Mom isn’t looking. She climbs up onto a chair, carefully nudges a plate of freshly baked cookies toward the edge of the table, and before anyone can stop her—bam! The cookies tumble to the floor, and Maymo dashes in to gobble up as many as possible before he’s caught red-pawed. Penny, ever the mastermind, lets Maymo take the blame while she sits innocently on the sidelines, her tail wagging as if to say, “Who, me?”

And let’s not forget their hilarious obsession with stealing household items. No slipper, remote control, or innocent roll of toilet paper is safe from this dynamic duo. They work as a team, with Maymo acting as the distraction while Penny executes the heist. One moment, Mom is peacefully reading a book, and the next, she’s chasing her mischievous Beagles down the hallway as they gleefully drag an entire roll of toilet paper behind them like a pair of giggling toddlers.

But what makes these two even more lovable is that despite their troublemaking, they are clearly adored by their Mom. Every exasperated sigh and playful scolding is followed by laughter, belly rubs, and treats. Their home might be in a constant state of disarray, but it’s also filled with joy, love, and endless entertainment.

At one point in the video, Mom decides to take their mischief up a notch by adding props to their antics. She sets up a mini “crime scene” with scattered stuffing from their latest stuffed animal victim and a tiny sign reading: “Stuffed Animal Massacre – Suspects At Large.” Maymo and Penny, sitting right in the middle of the chaos, look around as if trying to figure out how their crime was discovered. It’s impossible to stay mad at them when their expressions are so hilariously guilty!

And if you think their mischief is limited to indoors, think again. These Beagles take their antics outside too! The video cuts to a scene where Maymo and Penny are let loose in the backyard. Within minutes, they are rolling in the grass, digging up flower beds, and—oh no—making a mad dash straight toward a mud puddle! Mom can be heard laughing behind the camera as they gleefully splash around, completely unaware that a bath is now in their near future.

Perhaps the most charming part of the entire video is the way Maymo and Penny interact with each other. They aren’t just partners in crime; they are best friends who share an unbreakable bond. Whether they are wrestling over a toy, snuggling up together after a long day of mischief, or teaming up for their next great heist, their friendship is the heart of the story.

As the video nears its end, we see Mom attempting to “reform” her mischievous pups. She gives them a stern look and asks, “Are you ready to be good dogs now?” Maymo and Penny tilt their heads in unison, their big brown eyes filled with innocence (or maybe just anticipation for more treats). The moment of sincerity lasts for about two seconds before Penny playfully nips at Maymo’s ear, sparking another round of adorable chaos.

It’s safe to say that Maymo and Penny won’t be giving up their antics anytime soon. But really, would we want them to? Their mischievous adventures bring so much joy, laughter, and love—not just to their Mom, but to everyone lucky enough to watch them in action.

If you’re in need of a good laugh, be sure to check out the full video of Maymo and Penny’s latest escapades. And don’t forget to share their hilarious story with fellow dog lovers—because everyone could use a little more Beagle mischief in their life!

YouTube video
