Hilarious Time Lapse Video Shows Dog’s Antics When Sleeping with Family

When Bruno the beagle was brought into his new home, his owners Mike and Stacy were amazed by his restless sleeping habits. They decided to capture his nightly movements with a time-lapse video, revealing just how active the 8-month-old puppy was during the night.

When Bruno the beagle was brought into his new home, his owners Mike and Stacy were amazed by his restless sleeping habits. They decided to capture his nightly movements with a time-lapse video, revealing just how active the 8-month-old puppy was during the night.
The video showed Bruno twisting and turning in his bed, paws flailing in the air, and even performing what appeared to be little jumps in his sleep. It was as if he were chasing something in his dreams, darting in every direction, his body jerking to an imaginary rhythm. The couple couldn’t help but laugh at how lively he was, even in his slumber. It was clear that their new furry companion had boundless energy, a characteristic commonly found in beagles, who are known for being active and curious.
Despite being so playful during the day, Bruno’s nighttime antics seemed to suggest he was still adjusting to his new surroundings. Mike and Stacy had been expecting some level of adaptation, but they hadn’t realized how much energy Bruno still had to burn. They decided to let him figure things out on his own, although they couldn’t deny how adorable his movements were. They could hear his soft whines and little huffs throughout the night, as if he was dreaming of something exciting.
As the weeks went by, Bruno’s sleeping habits didn’t change much, but his owners began to find it endearing. They even started to look forward to watching the time-lapse video every morning, eagerly awaiting the moments when Bruno would kick and squirm, occasionally letting out a quiet bark. Stacy would often joke that Bruno must be chasing squirrels or sniffing around a trail in his dreams, given how active he appeared.
His sleeping habits also led to some interesting discoveries. One night, when Bruno was particularly restless, Mike woke up to see the little beagle trying to “dig” into his blanket, as if he were trying to create a comfortable spot to rest. Mike chuckled and pulled the blanket over him, but Bruno didn’t stop his digging for a second, determined to make the space perfect for himself. It was a quirky habit that made the couple love him even more.
It wasn’t long before the couple began to notice that Bruno’s nocturnal adventures weren’t just confined to his bed. Some mornings, they would find him curled up on the couch or even on the rug in the living room, as though he had spent the night exploring every corner of the house. Mike would sometimes find him lying across the hallway in the morning, looking as if he had just completed an obstacle course in his sleep. It became a routine for them to check on him before heading to bed, making sure Bruno had everything he needed for the night.
As Bruno grew older, his restless behavior eventually began to mellow out. He still had bursts of energy during the day and loved running around the yard, but his nighttime adventures became less frequent. The couple appreciated that Bruno was becoming more accustomed to his new home, feeling more secure and at ease in his surroundings. They had even started allowing him to sleep in their bed, a luxury he had been working toward since the first night he arrived.
However, Bruno still had moments where his beagle instincts kicked in. One evening, Mike and Stacy woke up to the sound of Bruno barking at something outside the window. His ears were perked up, and his tail was wagging with excitement. It was then that Mike remembered the time-lapse video they had taken in the early days. “Maybe he’s still dreaming of a squirrel,” he joked to Stacy, who laughed in response.
Despite his restless nature, Bruno’s presence brought a comforting sense of joy to their home. Stacy found herself looking forward to coming home after a long day of work, knowing that Bruno would be there, wagging his tail and ready for whatever adventure they would have next. The energetic beagle had filled their lives with laughter, and his quirky, playful ways had turned into something they cherished.
Their time-lapse videos eventually evolved into a collection of fun memories. Mike and Stacy began to document more of Bruno’s little milestones—his first successful fetch, his reaction to meeting the neighbor’s cat, and even his first bath, where he attempted to escape the tub with all the enthusiasm of a puppy trying to conquer the world. Bruno’s lively nature had inspired them to capture these moments, so they could look back at the memories with fondness.
Although Bruno was no longer as hyperactive at night, his impact on Mike and Stacy’s lives was undeniable. His personality, filled with determination, curiosity, and a dash of mischief, had brought a new sense of energy to their home.
As time passed, Bruno continued to evolve into the well-behaved, loving companion that Mike and Stacy had hoped for. They often found themselves reflecting on the early days when he was just a tiny, energetic puppy trying to find his place in their world. Those moments of chaos and laughter had shaped the bond they now shared, a bond built on love, patience, and understanding. Bruno had not only become their pet but a cherished member of the family—one whose spirited nature would always bring joy to their hearts.
In the end, Mike and Stacy realized that the little quirks, including Bruno’s nighttime antics, were what made their beagle special. They had embraced every part of him—the playful pup who couldn’t sit still during the night and the calm companion who had slowly settled into their lives. With Bruno by their side, every day was filled with new adventures, and they wouldn’t have had it any other way.